The Truth about Medications
Dr. Levy was the featured speaker on November 20, 2024, for this monthly seminar series.
Moderated by Stephanie Parson, Mature Move Solutions
Or view on YouTube here
KSDK Channel 5 Interview:
How to avoid adverse effects when mixing prescription medications
Sydney Stallworth, reporter at KSDK Channel 5 in St. Louis, did a great job highighting the concerns about older adults and medications. Honored she chose the story and interviewed me.
Dr. Levy is quoted as content expert for blog about safety of combining diclofenac with ibuprofen
Nice write up by Taneia Surles!
[Short answer: it's a bad idea!]
Quoted in The Checkup by SingleCare, an online resource for consumers
Dr. Levy is quoted as content expert for blog about safety of combining antihistamine cetirizine with acetaminophen. Do you know the brand names for cetirizine and acetaminophen?
Nice write up by Wendy Wisner!
[Brand names are Zyrtec(R) and Tylenol(R), respecitivley]
Article published in AARP Magazine
10 Over-the-Counter Medications That Can Become Risky After 50
AARP article by Maggie Aime RN
This article provides great information about common OTC products that can lead to adverse effects in older individuals. Thank you Maggie Aime for using me as an expert source for this article. It is well written and a useful resource!
Published on-line November 17, 2023
Dr. Anisha Patel is a most generous indivdiual. Her podcasts are about pharmacists' journeys in the profession and are honest conversations between host and guest. My conversation with Dr. Patel is more about how my path unfolded and led to me being an entrepreneur and author, rather than just about "Maybet It's Your Medications." Dr. Patel's own journey contiinues to evolve, as well. I am grateful to have made her acquaintance and look forward to meeting her in person when I travel to the UK!
Preventing Medication Related Errors with Dr. Hedva Barenholtz Levy, Part 1
Dr. Hoffman led a great conversation in which we discussed over-the-counter products (part 1) and prescription medications (part 2). Dr. Hoffman focuses on providing thoughtful and meaningful informatoin to consumers. His podcasts have been dowloaded more than 11 million times. Check it out and share with others.
PrevenTable, A Prevent+Ed Podcast
Hosted by Nichole Dawsey
Date: September 27, 2023
Season 3, episode #25
I sat down with Nichole from PreventEd for a conversation about my book, "Maybe It's Your Medications." We talked about the process of writing and publishing the book and some of its major topics, including healthy aging, medication use, being an educated consumer, and how to discuss medicine and supplements with your healthcare providers.
The Medical Truth Podcast
Hosted by James Egidio
September 18, 2023
We had a great conversation touching on many key points about safe medication use in older adults -- and really adults of any age -- as well as healthy lifestyle choices.
40-Plus Fitness Podcast
Hosted by Allan Misner
Podcast #604
August 22, 2023
Allan is a health and fitness coach. In speaking with him before and after the podcast, he has a great philosophy and approach to helping indidviduals over 40 years old to achieve health goals one step at a time (check out his coaching website, 40PlusFitness)
He gave me a bonus acknowledgement in Podcast #605, where Allan lists 9 things to drop from your life today: #9 is Unnecessary Medications!
KTRS 550 The Jennifer & Wendy Show
Live interview with STL radio icons Jennifer Blome and Wendy Wiess
July 31, 2023
Advocating for Safe Medication Use on Facebook Live
Thank you to Aging Advantage for inviting me to present in June.
Family Caregiver Education Talk
June 9, 2023